
February FDA NDA/BLA Approvals

2/01 Cosopt PF, Merck Sharp Dohme; 2/03 Giazo, Salix Pharmaceuticals ; 2/07 Mitosol, Mobius Therapeutics;
2/07 Sklice, Sanofi-Topaz; 2/10 Zioptan, Merck Sharp Dohme

Another added Benefit to working with MRINetwork

High-Quality Financial Advice

Access Point, LLC, a subsidiary of MRI Network has developed a relationship with 60+ teams of Smith Barney Advisors across the US who specialize in working with executives in transition.

Executives in transition face immediate financial decisions. We can refer you to an advisor to receive valuable information about:
• Options for 401K pensions
• Stock option exercise strategies
• The best way to prepare for transitional liquidity
• How to protect concentrated stock positions and much more

The advice is provided at no cost to you. Feel free to reach out to me and I will refer you to my colleage who is certified to share much more infomation with you about the program.